About Louisa
The love of horses lies at the heart of Louisa’s work. Having learnt to ride herself as a six-year-old pony-mad girl, horses have remained central to her life. Her passion for their welfare and comfort drove Louisa to develop her bespoke saddles and new fitting techniques. As well as being a qualified saddle fitter, Louisa is an experienced dressage rider and British Dressage judge. Her knowledge and understanding of both horse and rider biomechanics have enabled her to develop a unique process of saddle fitting and create a collection of saddles that maximise the horse’s comfort, performance and reduce issues over time. Louisa works with all types of horses, from newly backed youngsters to older horses. She also works with elite riders and trainers around the world, with horses performing at the very top of their sport.
Louisa has trained with many of the UK's Top Trainers such as Emile Faurie, Andrew Murphy & Damian Hallam and several visiting trainers from the Spanish Riding School. Louisa is keen to support riders training their horses correctly in any discipline, right from grass roots to elite sport. Prior to Covid restrictions - Louisa has been working with the American Dressage Olympic Level riders, assisting in correct saddle biomechanics and analysing the change in performance with use of her high-tech gait analysis cameras.
Aside from Dressage, Louisa has spent many years rehabilitating and training her own horses and supporting others in their similar journeys. When working with longer-term clients, Louisa uses her biomechanics expertise to assess the whole horse and rider partnership. and provide solutions to maximise performance and reduce issues over time.

Louisa's dedicated passion for helping the horse drives her goal to educate riders of all ages. She regularly organises free gatherings for other equine professionals, runs clinics and demos for horse owners and riders - to enable people to collaborate and learn from each other. Louisa likes working with owners that want to be the best for their horse and take responsibility for its well being and soundness. Over the past 15 years, Louisa has spent a lot of time travelling internationally to study with many experts in their fields. Louisa works closely with Andy Thomas (Chartered Physiotherapist) who has assessed 11,000 riders ranging from elite Olympic athletes to amateur novices, across all disciplines. Andy has identified three types of pelvic asymmetry and correction that has a profound effect on both rider and horse performance. Louisa uses this method as a Certified Testt Coach within her every day role, to help identify where the issue is in the rider that is causing a problem for the saddle and horse. Louisa visited Germany to learn more from Dr Schoneich and his work on straightening the Crooked Horse. She studies the work and training of Manolo Mendez, has attended the Science of Motion Conference USA, and is a member of the closed International Group assessing gait abnormality and lameness. Louisa has also spent time at the Spanish Riding School, learning about their training techniques, and has studied Straightness Training to assess its benefits. Louisa was the only Saddle Biomechanist that attended the Vet Congress held in Amersterdam 2019 - a gathering of leading international vets. Louisa continues to work on several of her own and others research projects, aiming to understand and improve asymmetry of horse and rider.