The Saddles
CUOMO Saddles
The CUOMO saddles are beautifully hand-made in the UK and Italy. They are specifically built to work around the horses scapula and improve comfort through the horses whole back. Using the technology that we have invested in we have been able to test the pressure under each model and assess how the saddles work with horses and riders in motion. We can very confidently say that we see improved symmetry in the horses shoulders, back and pelvis from a change of saddle to a CUOMO tree. Working closely with our professional riders we have seen improved lateral work, flying changes and improved jumping technique.
The CUOMO Brand is unique in that it comes with a whole portfolio of state of the art technology and physical tests (for the rider) that support each and every horse and rider combination in better symmetry and performance. More information on the portfolio surrounding the brand can be found on the other pages. Below is a selection of images of our range of saddles. Prices range from £2,000-£4,000 :

Lusitano Costume Saddle
GP Saddles

Jump Saddles

Good quality British made brand. The CUOMO range of Dressage, Jump & General Purpose Saddles have many different trees and styles to accommodate a wide range of riders and horses. We can build to your specific requirements - so the best tree for the horse and the best seat and blocks for the rider's needs. By working closely with her bespoke saddle maker and professional riders from around the world, Louisa knows that her unique saddle designs help both the horse and rider work in better partnership. In a CUOMO Saddle, the horse is given the room to perform better, with a saddle that works around the shoulders, whilst the rider is comfortable and able to perform freely with the horse, leading to overall improved symmetry and protection from future issues. Through Louisa's ongoing research studies the CUOMO Brand has continued to develop trees for all shapes and sizes. The saddles range from £1,770 to £2,975 (WE ALSO AT TIMES, HAVE A SMALL RANGE OF SECONDHAND SADDLES AVAILABLE)